An ongoing story

We started writing the first page about the HR Days conference 13 years ago. We chose fantastic characters - speakers, motivators and lecturers, devised a story or program, found the perfect place and time and started telling the story.


We are scheduling the next meeting again for May 2025 in fairytale Rovinj!


You will once again have the opportunity to meet fantastic heroes who will inspire, amaze and motivate you, exchange opinions and experiences with colleagues from the profession, and find out more about current and upcoming trends shaping our profession.


Thank you for writing the most beautiful HR story with us for twelve years.


The story goes on.. see you in Rovinj!

According to the participants

Ronan Harrington


“The HR Days conference has soul. I really feel like being here and with people with big hearts, and who are thinking really hard and in intelligent ways about the future of HR and organizations, that combination for me is really sweet.”

Armin Trost


“Why to come to HR Days? That’s simple: great place, great people, great topics and deep discussion!”

Maggi Evans


“There is a real buzz and energy about things. But what is really nice coming along is the people who obviously know each other well, greeting each other, shearing stories and shearing learning.“
Find out more
13 razloga zašto su HR Daysi sljedeće ‘must’ okupljanje HR zajednice

13 reasons why HR Days are the next 'must' gathering of the HR community

May every day be full of opportunities, especially when HR professionals from the entire region gather! HR Days conference comes with new…
Je li zadržavanje zaposlenika postalo zapošljavanje novog doba?

Has employee retention become new age employment?

The loss of an employee often costs the company as much as two annual salaries of the person who left. It is a large amount, especially when they are...
Jesmo li spremni za novi način života i rada?

Are we ready for a new way of living and working?

"I want to introduce you to your life. It's a world of constant work where we 'chasing our own tail' day after day,...
12. HR Days konferencija: Inkluzija stranih radnika jedan je od preduvjeta održivosti domaćeg tržišta rada

12th HR Days conference: Inclusion of foreign workers is one of the prerequisites for the sustainability of the domestic labor market

The 12th HR Days conference was held in Rovinj, the most significant and long-standing meeting of the regional HR community.
Dodijeljene su nagrade za Najbolje regionalne HR prakse u dvije kategorije

Awards for the Best Regional HR Practices have been given in two categories

Osim predavanja stranih i domaćih HR stručnjaka, debata o aktualnim temama te praktičnih radionica, naša HR Days priča oplemenjena je...
Kratki vodič kroz najveći HR event u regiji!

A short guide through the largest HR event in the region!

Bliži nam se 12. izdanje HR Days konferencije, stoga donosimo kratki (a opet sveobuhvatni) pregled aktivnosti kako biste maksimalno iskoristili...
Puna vam je kapa teorije? HR Days konferencija donosi rekordan broj praktičnih radionica!

Are you full of theories? The HR Days conference brings a record number of practical workshops!

Svaki novi dodatak našem ’arsenalu’ znanja i vještina čini nas sposobnijim uhvatiti se u koštac s karijernim izazovima koji se...
Zaboravite na zlonamjernu umjetnu inteligenciju, etičan razvoj AI-ja će revolucionirati način na koji radimo

Zaboravite na zlonamjernu umjetnu inteligenciju, etičan razvoj AI-ja će revolucionirati način na koji radimo

Na nadolazećoj HR Days konferenciji istražujemo ključno pitanje: Kako umjetna inteligencija oblikuje tržište rada? Pridružite nam se kako bismo zajedno...
Spremni za 12. po redu HR Dayse? Donosimo što vas sve očekuje!

Ready for the 12th consecutive HR Days? We bring what awaits you!

Konferencija s dugogodišnjom tradicijom vraća se svojim korijenima i nekadašnjem proljetnom terminu, održavajući se 8. i 9. svibnja u hotelu...
Otkriven program 12. HR Days konferencije: Svjetski stručnjaci dolaze u Rovinj!

The program of the 12th HR Days conference has been revealed: World experts are coming to Rovinj!

Najznačajniji regionalni susret HR zajednice vraća se 'korijenima' i originalnom, proljetnom terminu te će se ovogodišnje, 12. izdanje konferencije održati...
Prestanimo stvari gurati ‘pod tepih’ i kreirajmo otporna radna okruženja usmjerena na wellbeing zaposlenika

Let's stop pushing things under the rug and create resilient work environments focused on employee well-being

Tržištu rada je potrebna promjena. Drugačiji i inovativniji pristup. Ronan Harrington, stručnjak za otpornost i jedan od najiščekivanijih predavača na...
HR Days konferencija: Savršeno izbalansiran ‘koktel’ edukacije, inspiracije i zabave

HR Days conference: A perfectly balanced 'cocktail' of education, inspiration and entertainment

Konferencija s dugom tradicijom vraća se 'korijenima' i nekadašnjem proljetnom terminu te će se održati 8. i 9. svibnja u...
Budućnost je stigla: Kako se nositi s AI revolucijom u HR-u?

The future has arrived: How to handle the AI revolution in HR?

The application of artificial intelligence in HR opens the door to new knowledge and possibilities, illuminating the way through the complex issues of the future of work and human resource management...
Kako zadržati talente? Povežite se s ljudima, a ne ‘samo’ sa zaposlenicima

How to retain talent? Connect with people, not 'just' with employees

Get inspired, encouraged and filled with positive energy... Take your place at the 12th HR Days conference, May 8 and 9 in...
Stvorite radno okruženje koje vaši zaposlenici neće htjeti napustiti

Create a work environment that your employees won't want to leave

Unplanned or unwanted departures of employees, especially those of the highest quality, can threaten and shake our business. Arriving at the 12th HR Days conference...
Fleksibilnost u radu ključ je uspjeha u budućnosti

Flexibility in work is the key to future success

Različite generacije, ali i potpuna fleksibilnost radnog mjesta teme su na kojima je Nigel stavio naglasak u svom predavanju “Re-imagining...
Spriječite loše šefove u uništavanju karijera… I, još važnije, nemojte postati ‘jedni od njih’!

Stop bad bosses from ruining careers... And, more importantly, don't become 'one of them'!

U Rovinj stižu Debra i Ken Corey, duo koji razotkriva tajne snažnog liderstva te loših šefova. U vašim kalendarima, planerima...
Otkrijte kako probuditi ‘uspavane’ zaposlenike, izbjeći loše vođenje i potaknuti zadržavanje talenata

Discover how to wake up 'sleeping' employees, avoid bad leadership and encourage talent retention

I vaša karijera zaslužuje poklon ovih blagdana… Rezervirajte svoje mjesto na 12. HR Days konferenciji, 8. i 9. svibnja u...
Kako probuditi skrivene talente i vratiti motivaciju svojim zaposlenicima?

How to awaken hidden talents and restore motivation to your employees?

Kako otkriti skrivene talente i probuditi uspavane zaposlenike unutar vlastitog tima, samo je jedna od tema o kojoj će na...
Savladajte umjetnost zadržavanja talenata!

Master the Art of Talent Retention!

Armin Trost, the architect of winning teams and successful employee retention, is coming to Rovinj for the 12th HR Days conference! In the business world,...
Conference organiser

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