Nagrada za najbolje HR prakse priznanje je predanom radu tvrtki i organizacija, timovima i pojedincima koji su izvrsni u upravljanju ljudskim potencijalima Naša priča polako se primiče kraju te se opraštamo od 11. HR Days konferencije. Dvodnevno druženje ove godine...
- October 5, 2023
U Rovinju je održana 11. po redu HR Days konferencija, najveći regionalni susret HR zajednice koji je na jednom mjestu okupio više od 600 HR profesionalaca, u organizaciji portala MojPosao i Alma Career grupacije. Nakon predavanjima, radionicama i networkingom ispunjenog...
- September 25, 2023
Pripadnici generacije Z, odnosno osobe rođene između 1995. i 2010. godine, već su nekoliko godina prisutni na tržištu rada, stoga je došao pravi trenutak da ocijenimo kako su se dosad snašli i što o njima misle poslodavci. Na ovogodišnjoj HR Days...
- September 25, 2023
Koncem ljeta, točnije 20. i 21. rujna, Rovinj postaje epicentar najveće i najdugovječnije konferencije posvećene ljudskim potencijalima u našim krajevima – 11. HR Days konferencije! Pripremite se za dva nezaboravna dana ispunjena inspiracijom, znanjem i zabavom, na događaju koji će na...
- August 23, 2023
Are you looking for new ideas, inspiring stories, experiences every day, and you want to build your knowledge with the help of the world's best experts? Do you convey your experience and knowledge to your team and management on a daily basis so that your company remains a competitor on the market? Then the time came...
- July 21, 2023
It's time for a new chapter... Participate in the HR Days conference and join us in writing the most special pages in the world of human resources! The HR community knows very well that this year, at the end of the summer, an event is taking place that will create a real "storm"...
- July 21, 2023
At the end of summer, on September 20 and 21 in Rovinj, be part of the largest regional rendez-vous of the HR community! If you belong to the company of those who tirelessly search for inspiration, exchange of knowledge with professional colleagues and a mountain of positive energy, you simply, simply, really and truly...
- May 11, 2023
We will deal with this seemingly simple, but actually fateful question on September 20 and 21 in Rovinj, at the 11th HR Days conference. Natal Dank and Nigel Jeremy will make sure our search for answers ends successfully!
- May 8, 2023
The largest regional gathering of HR experts who know that employees are the heart and soul of every company and taking care of them is a prerequisite for business success, will be held at the end of summer - on September 20th and 21st in Rovinj.
- March 2, 2023
The jubilee 10th consecutive HR Days conference was held in Rovinj, a two-day professional gathering that gathered more than 600 HR professionals from the region and the world in one place, organized by the MojPosao portal. After an eventful first day of the conference during...
- September 27, 2022