Govornici 2020

Daria Mateljak
Managing Director Croatia, Partner, Hauska & Partner
From fear to trust: communicating difficult topics
Matej Sakoman
Orgmaster psiholog
Bojišnica uma za zaposlenike, menadžere, neurotike i ne neurotike - mentalno kondicioniranje i druga dopuštena sredstva osnaživanja
Debra Corey
Chief Pay it Forward Officer, Speaker/Storyteller, Author, Consultant
Employee engagement
Blaire Palmer
Keynote leadership speaker, Impact and Influence coach for senior leaders
Leadership and change
Johan Driessens
Keynote speaker and Chief Enthusiasm Officer
Creating a valuable employer branding experience
Kate Rand
Associate, AgileHR Community
Agile HR and HR’s role in Agile transformations
Ranko Rajović
Autor NTC sustava učenja
Jesu li nam djeca spremna za poslove budućnosti?
Dave Ulrich
Speaker, Author, Professor, Thought Partner on HR, Leadership, and Organization
Value Creation Through HR: Why is this the great time to be in HR

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