Dr. Lisa Bélanger has a Ph.D. in Behavioural Medicine and is the CEO and founder of ConsciousWorks. She helps everyone from executives to entrepreneurs apply the findings from leading-edge scientific analyses to maximize their mental and physical well-being at work and at home.
Award-winning CEO Dr. Lisa Bélanger shows leaders and teams how insights from behavioural science research can be applied in the workplace to optimize the performance, productivity, and innovation of leaders and teams – resulting in long-term change, competitive advantage, and incredible success.
Dr. Bélanger is also a Certified Exercise Physiologist; a past Honorary Research Associate at Swansea University, Wales; and researcher and instructor.
Dr. Bélanger is a book author and also the founder of Knight’s Cabin, a national non-profit offering no-cost wellness programming to cancer survivors.
Her most notable accomplishments are running the Paris marathon, climbing Kilimanjaro, and creating two tiny humans. You can find her working with her portable desk at the top of the mountain at home in Canmore, Alberta, or another corner of the world.
When she is not working, she is most likely on her way to yoga, out for a run or taste-testing the local coffee and wine.
Habitual Behaviours: The Science of Creating Lifelong Habits
Turn the best of intentions into real action.
We are the sum of our daily habits, these seemingly small behaviours over time define our health and performance and have a profound impact in achieving our goals. In this talk, Dr. Lisa Bélanger establishes a research-based framework people can use every day to push towards their goals and design the life and career they dream of.
Crpeći znanje psihologije, neuroznanosti i bihevioralne medicine, Bélanger uvodi praktične strategije koje pomažu ljudima da razviju željene navike, razbiju loše navike i osiguraju da se te promjene drže, čak i kada se suočavaju s razdobljima stresa i promjena. Učini nas kako stvoriti okruženje i društvenu mrežu, kako na poslu, tako i kod kuće. Uči nas kako njegovati uspješne navike i istražiti utjecaj koji male promjene mogu imati s vremenom kako bi nam pomogli da premostimo jaz između onoga što namjeravamo učiniti i što uistinu radimo.
Audiences will walkaway with immediately implementable skills and an understanding on what habits have the highest ROI when it comes to health, productivity, and performance. Take control of your habits, take control of your life!