Sandra Ćupurdija

Sandra Ćupurdija has been consulting in the field of human resources management since 2015, from organizing organizational design with the purpose of optimal functioning of business processes to managing absenteeism as one of the key challenges faced by organizations in the last few years.

She "owes" her experience to many years of work in HR management positions in leading Croatian and international companies in various business sectors, where she worked with all levels of management, and participated in all levels of human resources management, from administrative to strategic.

She is an associate of the Simulus group as an educator on numerous projects. She is the founder of the association Life Friendly Firm, which helps companies to provide their employees with a "human centered work experience".

After a rich corporate career, she collaborated with numerous companies and public institutions. She graduated from the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, and continued her education at the Cotrugli Business School, where she obtained the title of MBA.


What is the connection between leadership and sick leave?

Do you know that every worker in Croatia is absent on average 55 days, of which more than 13 days are spent on sick leave?

The majority of employers "blame" the workers or doctors for the increased number of absences caused by sick days, but the fact is that part of the "blame" is borne by the employers themselves - usually their immediate superior managers.

Research on absenteeism shows that more than 80% of employees have been on sick leave at least once due to stress at work, with more than a third pointing out that stress is directly caused by the management style. 

Managers' competencies, their personality, the way they communicate and the way they recognize the value of their employees directly affect work performance, but also employee absenteeism.

In this workshop, we will show in detail how absenteeism affects your organization and how to recognize the connection between absences and management style, as well as how you can influence a change in behavior and thereby improve business results.

You will leave this workshop with practical tips on how to measure absenteeism with the help of several metrics that will show you if you really have a problem, how you should act, especially in relation to the way people are managed.

Sandra Ćupurdija will lead the workshop in cooperation with Maja Vučić.