Pilar Cabral Majerović

Pilar is an executive business and team coach, coaching trainer, mentor, and leadership lecturer. She is an Erickson International certified coach and is PCC accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Prior to moving into executive coaching and leadership facilitation, Pilar worked for 20+ years in the corporate sector, mainly in the field of telecommunications and hospitality, where she held various management positions.

For her, purpose comes from within each of us; it's something that can't be imposed or mandated from the outside. At the same time, it compels us to move outside to engage with the world around us.

Her purpose in the past few years has been to bring and create meaningful conversations around emotions in the corporate world, in other words, to unlock emotions in the business world.


Unlocking emotions in the business world… unlocking what?

What if connecting to your emotions and defining the emotional culture of your company/team was the missing piece to (even more) satisfaction, key talent retention, and success?

Emotional culture, among others, highly influences employee satisfaction, performance, motivation, connection, engagement, well-being AND frustration, toxicity, poor performance, absenteeism, high turnover, and burnout.

When leaders consciously (or not) ignore or fail to connect and understand emotion, they are hugely missing out on what makes people and organizations feel alive.

To define your team's Emotional Culture, we would need your entire team! So to get a glimpse into what it would feel like, I suggest we get started with you!
In a participative exercise, Pilar will invite you to connect to your own emotions in order to feel what you might need to feel more or less of in order to be (even more) satisfied and successful!

You will hopefully leave with some insight in regard to the importance of recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing, and regulating your emotions. In other words, recognizing the power of consciously bringing your emotions to work. We are always feeling an emotion of some kind, like it or not. How does this make you feel?

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