Maja Parmač Kovačić is an assistant professor at the Department of Work Psychology and Ergonomics, at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. She holds a large number of courses at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies in psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, courses at the interdisciplinary specialist postgraduate study Human Resources Management at the University of Zagreb, and postgraduate specialist study for directors of educational institutions at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb.
She has actively participated in a large number of scientific and professional projects. Her central research interest is linked to personality assessment and socially desirable responses to personality questionnaires. She co-authored a scientific book as well as numerous scientific papers, some of which have been published in internationally recognized journals such as the International Journal of Selection and Assessment, Journal of Personality Assessment and Personality and Individual Differences.
She was a lecturer at the 6th HR Days conference.
Leaders in the era of Big Quit: Five key skills of people management
In the era of the Big Quit, managers have a particularly important role in employee retention and in the success of organizations. Successful managers lead their employees well - they transfer important knowledge, develop them, motivate and manage team processes. On the contrary, bad managers make life miserable for their subordinates, make bad decisions, and cause financial losses to the organizations they work for.
Scientific research data show that at least half of managers are unsuccessful in their work, which results in their resignation or dismissal. The failure of managers most often does not result from insufficient professional knowledge or a lack of intelligence, but precisely from a lack of leadership competencies.
During this workshop, the model of leadership competencies that emerges from our current research will be detailed presented. The five competencies (motivation, development, relationship building, leadership and teamwork) are crucial for leadership success, regardless of the level of hierarchy in the organization and the business sector.
In this workshop you will receive practical advice on how to measure and improve them in the practice of human resources management.
Maja Parmač Kovačić will lead the workshop in collaboration with Zvonimir Galić, a colleague from the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.