Jasna Belamarić

As the founder of the program for the development of c-level civil servants and a long-term associate of the State School of Administration, Jasna has trained several generations of managers. She established programs for several courses and designed and implemented numerous educational and development programs.

She received her degree in psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb and was educated in several areas of psychology, after which she gained 20 years of experience as an HR expert, trainer, and consultant for the development of human resources. At the Faculty of Business Economics, she led the Organizational Psychology course, and today, in addition to HR consulting, she conducts organizational climate and employee engagement surveys and provides executive coaching.

What can you expect at the workshop?

At Leadership Workshop, you will embark on a transformative journey to discover the keys to effective leadership and gain a profound understanding of how your unique style can shape and influence others. Kristina Popović and Jasna Belamarić from SELECTIO Group will guide you through an immersive and interactive experience, providing you with practical tools and strategies to enhance your leadership capabilities.