Alan is the owner and CEO of LQ. With his team working in organizations around the region on internal transformation, through business skills development, change of organizational culture and the implementation of a new business model. His team uses classical, digital and other methodological innovative learning and development methods. He has wide experience in building a company since he has been a successful entrepreneur since 1991. In addition, he has been a lecturer at the Academy of executive coaching from London for the past ten years. He lives a happy life with his wife and four wonderful children.
Innovative Models in Corporate Learning
With new technologies, new generations are coming, with new generations coming new mental models, and with new mental models older approaches to learning and development of adults no longer work. Classical "power point" lectures or workshops of the same rhythm and form no longer produce the result. Newly emerging trends in corporate learning, including digital tools, artificial intelligence, various gaming methodologies, co-creation, blended programs, system coaching etc. are emerging. Research shows that most of the employees in the world today lack the "soft" skills, This lecture will reveal which skills and new trends in corporate learning are the future.