The 10th HR Days conference will be focused on different forms of leadership, based on recognizing and developing employee potential, building friendly relationships and fostering a strong inclusive culture. See you on September 21st and 22nd in Rovinj!
The 'new normal', which in the meantime has lost its prefix - becoming only 'normal', has brought a number of changes in our work environment, forcing us to reject the previous rules and established business norms. In doing so, it taught us or, better said, reminded us that regardless of external influences in the business world, there is something that guarantees success - connecting and leading with the heart.
Different forms of leadership, based on developing the potential of each employee, creating an environment that will encourage inclusive business culture and permeating the company with infectious optimism will be the focus of this year's HR Days conference, which will be held September 21 and 22 in Rovinj!!
‘Chief Heart Officer’ is all that the future of HR needs
We will learn more about this topic from Claude Silver‘Chief Heart Officer’ of VaynerMedia, known worldwide for hers different approach to employee management.
Through her lecture ‘Bringing humanity back to workplace’, Claude will encourage you to contribute to the culture of the organization by looking at things through a simple and, we seem to have, somewhat neglected perspective - one where all 100% of people are at work. It will inspire you to take action and bring empathy, authenticity and ambition to your organizations! ‘Bringing humanity back to workplace’, Claude će vas potaknuti da kulturi organizacije pridonesete promatrajući stvari kroz jednostavnu i, dojma smo, pomalo zapostavljenu perspektivu – onu prema kojoj su na poslu svi 100% ljudi. Inspirirat će vas da krenete u akciju i u vaše organizacije unesete empatiju, autentičnost i ambiciju!
Communicationn leads to greater employee engagement
Too few people are fully engaged in the work. If we consider that employee engagement is key to productivity, for fewer mistakes in work and customer satisfaction, this is problematic information. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem, it lies in communication and Antoni Lacinaian international authority and communication expert, will introduce us to it.
As part of his lecture ‘How great communication leads to high employee engagement’Antoni will reveal three communication superpowers, how to quickly diagnose the cause of existing employee engagement levels and what we can achieve if we really listen and try to understand our employees.
Book your place at the largest regional conference dedicated to human potential at the best, 'Super Early Bird' price, which is valid until June 15. See you in Rovinj!