How to retain talent? Connect with people, not 'just' with employees

Get inspired, encouraged and filled with positive energy... Take your place at the 12th HR Days conference, May 8 and 9 in Rovinj.

The role of HR professionals in the business mosaic is continuously becoming more and more complex. 

Part of the reason, without a doubt, lies in the progress made in the last decade when it comes to recognizing the importance of human resources for quality management of employees and reaching business goals, but the biggest cause still lies in the labor market itself.

The high demand for labor and the lack of quality candidates who will "jump" into vacant or newly opened positions in companies, force us to more and more creative and diverse approaches to hiring and retaining employees, raising the level of engagement and motivation, and finding the leader in yourself!

These are also the topics that will be at the epicenter of the most anticipated event in the regional HR community (and beyond!) - 12. HR Days conference, which after several "autumn" editions, returns to its spring time and will be held May 8 and 9 in Rovinj.

We will find out more about these topics, which often raise the hair on the heads of HR people around the world, from world-renowned experts...

Psychologist and communicator dr. Maggi Evans will reveal key strategies for identifying talent and motivating dormant employees. Her interactive workshop “Transforming Underachievers & Getting Everyone on the Pitch” will provide insight into creating an engaged business culture.

Armin Trost, an expert in human resource management, with his lecture "The Art of Retention" will give concrete advice on retaining the best talents, while the first spouses who will step on the conference stage, Debra i Ken Corey, explore 10 types of bad bosses and offer solutions to avoid them.

The best (of the best) HR practices, networking and Day Zero
In addition to top lecturers, the conference offers an opportunity to report on innovative HR practices that have had an impact on changing corporate culture, increasing employee engagement and achieving business success.

Applications for the award Best regional HR practices are open until March 8, 2024 >, and the best initiatives, projects and programs will be presented in front of the conference audience.

Relaxing and connecting with colleagues begins before the official start of the conference, as part of Day Zero.

Sign up for different activities a week before the conference and take advantage of the opportunity for informal socializing. The dance floor and traditional singing will remain unforgettable experiences that we will not miss this year either.

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