And your career deserves a gift this holiday season... Book your place at the 12th HR Days conference on May 8 and 9 in Rovinj!
While you eagerly await the visit of the benevolent Santa in red, which should happen on the night of December 24-25, inspired by the holiday mood, we decided to "unwrap" a few HR gifts.
And to reveal to you some of the lecturers who will delight us at the upcoming, 12th in a row HR Days conference, which will take place 8. and May 9 in Rovinj!
Awaken dormant employees, build strong teams and expose bad bosses
Prestižna autorica, psihologinja i komunikatorica dr. Maggi Evans, s nama će podjeliti ključne strategije za prepoznavanje talenata u timu i poticanje ‘buđenja’ uspavanih zaposlenika.
Her interactive lecture "Transforming Underachievers & Getting Everyone on the Pitch" explores how to get to know the team better, create an engaged business culture and provide constructive feedback to employees.
Dr. Evans combines strategic thinking with practical solutions to cut through the communication "noise" and focus on the key issues that make a real difference in business.
Professor Armin Trost, an expert in human resource management, will shine the spotlight on key aspects of long-term talent retention.
Through the interactive lecture "The Art of Retention - How managers mindfully can build strong ties to their employees", Trost will explore the role of interpersonal relationships, the balance of self-controlled engagement of workers and taking care of their needs, and the reasons for the departure of talents despite the benefits offered.
It will provide audiences with an insight into the nuances of the art of retaining talent as well as building sustainable bridges with employees in the dynamic world of HR.
Debra Corey and Ken Corey, the first spouses on stage in Rovinj, bring their rich experience in human resources and innovative employee management.
Their joint lecture, "How to stop your bad bosses from ruining lives", explores 10 types of bad bosses, offers models for building great leaders, and includes real stories and advice on how to avoid negative behavior patterns.
Learn from others and share your 'know how'
From a young age, we are taught that 'knowledge multiplies when it is shared', and Days made this important lesson one of the pillars on which the conference has stood upright for a decade.
We find confirmation of this in Best regional HR practices!
We invite you to report an HR practice that enabled a permanent change in the company's culture, increased employee engagement and/or had a significant impact on business success.
For a successful application, keep in mind that the applied practice should be implemented no later than December 31, 2024. year, and internships that have been or are being carried out for the last two years can also be registered.
All received applications will be divided into two categories: small/medium-sized companies (up to 250 employees) and large companies (from 250 and more employees).
The five best-rated practices from each category (total of 10) by the expert jury will have the opportunity to be presented in front of the HR Days conference audience.
Of course, apart from the professional part, we have ensured enough time for relaxation and networking.
Take advantage of the opportunity for networking with a light atmosphere and entertainment that will enrich your experience at the conference.
Secure your place at a favorable Early Bird price. See you in Rovinj, May 8 and 9!