Good company, food and drinks are an old recipe for an unforgettable party.
And this year, guided by that mantra, we begin HR Days on day zero, more precisely on May 7th to be exact, when you will be greeted by a joyful acquaintance through Wine tasting & HR Speed Dating.
Although it carries the name "HR" with it, our little gathering in the evening will not be dedicated only to work. Through different topics, you will share your life stories, joys, challenges, but also those little things that make life fun with your colleagues. By revealing a part of your world, you will meet new colleagues, make some new acquaintances, friendships, collaborations, find interesting and inspiring stories and hear different experiences and thus start HR Days in a completely new way.
Kako u sat vremena ne biste ostali žedni i suhih grla, mižol Malvazije, Merlota i Muškata poslužit će vam Vinarija Fuhtar. Ova stoljetna, obiteljska vinarija iz Nedeščine kraj Labina pobrinut će se da uz sebe uvijek imate djelić Istre, a uz to u kratkim pauzama prezentirat će vam svoje sorte vina i tako vas upoznati s tekućim draguljima tog dijela Hrvatske.