Following over 20 years’ experience working with global businesses as part of Business Disability Forum; Susan Scott-Parker, OBE is now working with Sir Andrew Witty CEO, GlaxoSmithKline as Founding Chairman, and with Barclays Bank, Ashok Vaswani CEO Barclays Retail & Business Banking to establish business disability international. This new, visionary organisation seeks to mobilise the collective power of global businesses to liberate the potential of disabled people worldwide. Susan is internationally recognised as a spirited and creative thought leader on how to mobilise business behind the economic and social inclusion of people with disabilities worldwide. She has made a career from challenging outdated assumptions regarding both disability as it affects business and the potential of responsible business to adapt respectfully for human reality.

Her work is grounded in the reality of both business and disability and is distinctive in her determination to deliver practical, tangible mutual benefit for business, people with disabilities, the global economy, and wider society. Susan ‘invented’ the concept and language of ‘Disability Confidence’ – in the knowledge that if we can change the way people talk about the world, we make it easier to change the world.

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