Đurđica Preočanin Korica brings a wealth of experience she acquired in four large organisations and different industries in senior HR leadership roles ((Coca-Cola HBC, Siemens, AstraZeneca i Addiko Bank) in Croatia and Central and Eastern Europe. Along with her corporate experience, Đurđica is also ICF certified professional coach (PCC), a member of the British Chartered Institute for Personnel Development (CIPD) and a passionate devotee of personal growth and development. Her work is centred around team and leadership development, through workshops, consulting, coaching. She also advises HR and Boards on all people related topics.

Her long HR and leadership experience make her a great choice to lead this workshop. Experienced, pragmatic, funny, calm, clear and direct – all these are attributes she gets through the feedback from the participants of her workshops. All this will also be experienced by the participants of this workshop.

What to expect at the workshop: Feedback as a retention tool of the best – why is it not used more often?

Key topics and discussion points:

How can feedback culture influence retention, espeically when organisations are exhausted by continuous increases of material benefits?

Feedback is probably one of the most commonly run trainings for leaders of all levels – from top management to first line. Its importance is immense and everyone agrees that it is an indispensable element of opening the real, intrinsic, long term motivation within team members. We will start the workshop by discussing why then, if feedback is so useful, it is not a part of daily interactions between team leaders and employees and why do organisations every now and then have to re-launch feedback culture initiatives.

Can feedback reall improve and prolong the retention of people in an organisation? The feedback culture has a huge influence on a person’s decision to stay or leave the organisation, although the grass may seem greener with another employer. Why would they stay and how can we influence the retention with feedback, will be the topic of the workshop.

If feedback is really that useful and everyone has heard of different methods and techniques of giving feedback, why do we not use it more often? We will complete the workshop by understanding how each individual can handle themselves, their own internal monologues and sometimes uncomfortable situations that feedback can bring. Why is feedback such a personal challenge after all?

This workshop is intended for HR people, to help them better understand why feedback is not easy and why only training feedback techniques never yields great results. Participants will also learn how to use feedback as a retention tool. The workshop is also intended for managers and team leaders to help them notice and become aware of their own personal challenges in using feedback as a tool and to try to recognise them and overcome them.

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