
Ana Petelinšek
Head of Assessment department
How to develop an authentic leadership style?
Lara Šubić Šuša
"Equal Pay Champion" and "Employer Partner" project manager | SELECTIO Grupa
WORKSHOP : Equal pay for equal work
Antonija Bušić Crnković
Marketing manager & Senior researcher
Employee Turnover Risk – Witch Hunt as an HR Process
Jozef Plško
PR & Communications Director
The Heart of Employee Happiness: Communication
Cyriel Kortleven
Mindset Change Expert
Crossing HR Borders
Armin Trost
Professor, Speaker, Consultant, Author
Talent Acquisition Strategy: Mastering Recruitment in a Talent-Short Market
Anita Lettink
Futurist for people leaders
From Directive to Practice: Mastering Pay Transparency in Your Organization
Svante Randlert
Business and people advisor
Becoming the First Choice for Employees and Customers of Tomorrow
Tome Barić
Director of Human Resources | INA d.d.
To return or not to return
Nina Stepčić
HR Business Partner for Operations | British American Tobacco
Cultural fusion in the labor market – how we build bridges of inclusion towards foreign workers

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