Our everyday life is already changing at dizzying pace, and it's only a matter of time before we have to say goodbye to the traditional ways of working. We constantly balance between adjustments and constant search for new strategies. Have you ever wondered - how to maintain stability, people and, most importantly, motivation in this whirlwind?
This is exactly what we will focus on at the upcoming 13. HR Days conference,which will take place from May 6th to 8th at Hotel Lone in Rovinj.
Get ready for three days filled with interesting discussions on current topics such as salaries and the new EU Directive, inclusion and talent acquisition. In addition, we will explore what exactly it means to be a good leader in this dynamic everyday life. Join us on a journey towards new insights, because this conference is not just about work, it's about creating a community that shares the same passion and goals.
Let's push the boundaries and become better
To start off the right way, this year, our main stage will feature numerous internationally renowned speakers. One of them is Cyriel Kortleven . He is not only a consultant and lecturer, Kortleven is a true inspiration when it comes to creative thinking and shifting perspectives. In his lecture “Crossing HR Borders” he will take you on a unique journey through various industries and fields. How can sports and Formula 1 help HR? What would happen if businesses were willing to "swap players" just like they do in sports?
Cyriel will show you simple tools to change your perspective, meaning that after his lecture, you will see your HR work as a true playground for innovation. It will be an interactive experience that will challenge you to think, take risks and adopt new approaches for ambitious results.

Alongside him, one of the most sought-after speakers in Sweden, the Nordic countries and Europe, specializing in attracting, engaging and developing the right employees in the right way and in the right places, will take the spotlight in the spring. In his lecture "Becoming the First Choice for Employees and Customers of Tomorrow", Svante Randlert will reveal to you how to create an organization that is most attractive to employees. In today's world, where everything can be replicated - from strategies to products - the key advantage comes only from people.
Randlert will show you how to become an employer people talk about – one who not only attracts talent but also maintains long-term relationships with customers. Start a journey with him that is not only about successful business strategies, but about building an authentic culture where people want to be.

What the EU Pay Transparency Directive Brings and How to Navigate the Job Market
We continue our story with the latest trends and burning questions - salaries and the increasingly competitive labor market. Anita Lettink will take us on that journey which brings real refreshment in topics that can seem dry, such as legal directives. However, when Lettink talks about “From Directive to Practice: Mastering Pay Transparency in Your Organization””, you won't regret coming. Given the new EU Pay Transparency Directive, Lettink will introduce you to the challenges of its implementation and provide concrete tools for successfully carrying out these changes in your organization. How to evaluate the current salary situation in your company and how to develop a clear strategy for transparency? Lettink will guide you through every step of the process, from initial analysis all the way to integrating the system into your organization, while helping you overcome cultural and technical challenges.

In recent years, the world of employment has changed fundamentally, and dr. Armin Trost is one of the people who understands these changes better than anyone. One of the most well-known and leading experts in the field of human resource management, Trost will, for the second year in a row, at the request of the audience, share his knowledge with participants at the HR Days conference. In his lecture“Talent Acquisition Strategy: Mastering Recruitment in a Talent-Short Market”, Trost will reveal how to navigate a job market that is constantly searching for qualified candidates. How to build a successful recruitment strategy that will make you not only competitive, but also a desirable employer?

Trost will explain in detail how to properly target key functions and develop effective talent acquisition channels. Furthermore, you will learn how to maintain long-term relationships with promising candidates, provide an unforgettable experience through every step of recruitment, and use employee networks to attract new team members.
We look forward to seeing you in the spring, at the 13. HR Days conference from May 6th to 8th!