We will deal with this seemingly simple, but actually fateful question on September 20 and 21 in Rovinj, at the 11th HR Days conference. Natal Dank and Nigel Jeremy will make sure our search for answers ends successfully!
While you sit thoughtfully in the office, staring at one and the same, motionless point on the wall and twiddling your thumbs at a steady pace, which is a clear sign to your colleagues that you have entered the 'zone', you wistfully come to the conclusion that once upon a time things were simply simpler.
People would apply to the ad in large numbers, you would "comb" the resumes and select a few really good candidates and get to work. The selection processes were carried out 'as usual', and so were the conditions offered by the employers. The salary was "set in stone" and there was not much discussion about it, just like the benefits that would be on the table. However, it passed.
Today, there is no doubt about it, some other rules apply that made the former one size fits all approach an atavism in the business environment. In order to find a candidate, and especially to find one who will be a reinforcement for your team immediately after employment, you must be creative and different from your competition. First of all, you need to listen to the needs of the candidate. And that of each of them.
A better understanding of the Total Rewards approach when it comes to the compensation package we offer to employees along with the strategic role of HR in the company's operations have become necessary ingredients of every successful business story.
These are also some of the topics that will find their place at this year's HR Days conference, which will be held in Rovinj in the fall, on September 20 and 21!
We will find out more about them from world-renowned HR experts - Natal Dank and Nigel Jeremy!
Strategic HR and its impact on the company
After a decade of working in senior positions in human resources, Natal Dank decided to make a career turn and share her knowledge of developing an amazing employee experience with others. From innovative technology companies and non-profit associations and organizations to global banks.
Through her work at PXO Culture and the HR Trend Institute, Natal focuses on defining modern HR for the 21st century. She is recognized as a leader in everything related to Agile HR, employee experience, HR trends, business agility and human strategy, and at the HR Days conference she will speak about the importance of strategic HR.
All rewards of the Total Rewards approach
As a globally recognized expert and experienced lecturer, who has worked for a range of globally successful companies such as British Airways, Marks and Spencer and EasyJet, Nigel Jeremy is able to cover a wide range of HR topics.
At the 11th edition of the HR days conference, emphasis will be placed on the increasingly important topic of Total Rewards, a comprehensive approach to designing and creating employee reward programs, while untangling the sometimes complicated Learning&Development area of business.
Generation gap, employee experiences, best HR practices...
But that's not all.
The menu of this year's conference will include other topics of exceptional importance for all those who have dedicated their careers to work in human resources. We will talk about the generation gap and its impact on the labor market, the importance of employee experience, employer branding based on verified and relevant data, leadership and employee motivation...
In order not to leave everything on theory, this year we will get to know in more detail the authors of the best HR practices in Croatia and the region, whose initiatives, projects and programs have left a positive mark on business.